
 Organizer Formats   ·   Combo Punch for the Mini Formats   ·   Pens for the Mini Formats   ·   Hole Punch Spacings 

Pens for the Mini Formats

The most important drawback of the  mini formats  is the choice of pens. First of all, the total length has to be less than 120mm. Based on the paper size, the length should be around 105mm. Depending on the size and position of the pen loop, the actual choice of matching pens can be very limited.

Below is a comparison of some of the smaller pens. Please note that I did not notice that the rear scale slipped up by about 1mm, so I have to re-take the shot next time when there is such good natural light - while I'm at home and there's enough time...

The scale shows a 1mm line spacing from 100mm to 130mm. The solid lines are every 10mm, the dashed lines at 5mm inbetween.

 Size Comparison
Left to Right: Wellspring, Wedo, Succes, Succes, BSB, Pilot, Nici 

The pens, from left to right...

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Hans-Jürgen Reggel   ·   ·   Impressum   ·   2017-01-30 ~ 2017-09-09