Funcubing Index Page
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Comments will be added step by step...
hree Vintage GDR 2x2x2 Shapemods
hree Vintage GDR 2x2x2 Shapemods: Trick Haus, Figuren-Match, Stern | |
DIY "Penrose-ABC" Fully Determined Penrose Cube!
DIY "Penrose-ABC" Fully Determined Penrose Cube! | |
Mirror Cubes
Mirror Cubes - Left to Right: DIY, DIY, Retail, Vintage, Retail | |
A New Jar - Which Minx Will Fit?
A New Jar - Which of the Minx will fit? Maybe the Teraminx? | |
3×3×2 "Zodiac Circle" Barrel
3×3×2 "Zodiac Circle" Barrel | |
Linked Void Cubes
Linked Void Cubes | |
Cube in a Jar: Rhombic Dedecahedron
Cube in a Jar: Rhombic Dedecahedron Shapemod in a Hexagonal Jar | |
3x3x2 Astromino Cuboid
3x3x2 Astromino Cuboid | |
DIY Angulus - The Cube Determined by Stripe Angle
Angulus - The Cube Determined by Stripe Angle: Checkerboard pattern, Top/Bottom 0°/45°, other faces 9°/18°, 27°/36° | |
Deter - The Fully Determined Cube
Deter - The Fully Determined Cube, left: FUR faces, right: BLD faces (upside down) | |
This is a fully determined cube, including center orientation and orientation of the cube itself.
Only one single solution! Only 26 stickers, same color, six different shapes.
Fun with Houses, Part II
Fun with Houses, Part II - Left: Swapped Roof Parts, Right: Roof Parts Combined, Wall Parts Combined. | |
Smart Alex Puzzle
Smart Alex Puzzle | |
Fun with Houses
Fun with Houses - How to modify the House Cube to turn it into a Trick Haus | |
Tactile Cubes: Shiroi Rubik's Cube and Rubik's Touch Cube
Tactile Cubes, Original Products!
Left: Shiroi Rubik's Cube (Japan); Right: Rubik's Touch Cube (Rest of the World) | |
The materials used for the Japanese Cube are quite remarkable:
The nubby tiles are made of silicone, not plastic.
What looks like fur is really super soft and super fluffy. I just wonder how long it lasts.
First Floppy Cubes
First Floppy Cubes, bought in 2010 or 2011, unknown make.
First Floppy Cubes. Left: Original mechanism with wiggly cubies that lead to the name "floppy". Right: Super Floppy Cube that allows 90° turns. | |
Left: Traditional Floppy Cube with the mechanism that lifts part of the center cap during the turn,
and locks adjacent edges until full-turn.
Right: Super Floppy Cube that allows 90° turns. This model also allows turning of "lonely edges".
The Super Floppy Cube shows my favourite pattern "Propeller".
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