Funcubing Index Page
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hree Vintage GDR 2x2x2 Shapemods
hree Vintage GDR 2x2x2 Shapemods: Trick Haus, Figuren-Match, Stern | |
Fun with Houses, Part II
Fun with Houses, Part II - Left: Swapped Roof Parts, Right: Roof Parts Combined, Wall Parts Combined. | |
Smart Alex Puzzle
Smart Alex Puzzle | |
Fun with Houses
Fun with Houses - How to modify the House Cube to turn it into a Trick Haus | |
Vintage Rubik's Domino
Vintage Rubik's Domino, unknown make and year, ridge/groove mechanism.
Two Vintage Rubik's Domino. Left: Leading black side, 3-2-1 on back. Right: Leading white side, 3-2-1 on back. | |
Missing Link Puzzles
Three different implementations of "The Missing Link" puzzle.
In the "Snow White Coffin": 1981 ITC Tsukuda Original.
Front left: 1981 ITC keychain version.
Front right: Arxon "Ketten-Puzzle".
Back: Missing Link, Tsukuda Original, IDEAL 1981. Front left: The Missing Link, Keychain, ITC 1981. Front right: Ketten-Puzzle (German), Arxon. | |
Vintage Rubik's Revenge
A 1982 Rubik's Revenge with so-called "Japanese" color scheme
(blue opposite white, yellow opposite green).
Vintage Rubik's Revenge from 1982, Ideal Toy Corporation. | |
Funcubing Index Page
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